General Congress – 27th and 28th September 2021 - Paris
General terms and conditions of sale
The Hauts-de-Seine Bar Association (the Hauts-de-Seine Bar) is a professional order which brings together and protects the interests of lawyers who practice in Hauts-de-Seine.
An influential and recognized institution, the Hauts-de-Seine Bar takes part in public debate on a range of subjects and is very attached to the defense of Professional Secrecy.
The Federation of European Bars (the FBE) is a non-profit organization under French law. Its members are the national Bars, the regional or local Bars of the member States of the Council of Europe, or the Bars of a non-member country of the Council of Europe admitted as an observer if it declares to recognize and respect the principles set out in the statutes of the FBE.
The FBE has participatory status with the Council of Europe; its aim is to promote permanent links between the Bars established in the member states of the Council of Europe, through its members, representing more than one million European lawyers.
Article 1. Scope
These general conditions of sale apply, to the exclusion of any other provision, to any registration by a participant (“the Participant”) to all or part of the FBE General Congress organized in Hauts-de-Seine. from September 26 to 28, 2024 (“the Congress”) by the FBE and the Hauts-de-Seine Bar.
Registering online for the Congress implies unreserved acceptance, in their entirety, of these general conditions of sale.
Article 2. Registration – contract
Registration for the Congress is only possible online via this dedicated website. Registration will be taken into account once payment has been received and cashed.
Upon receipt of their registration and payment, the Participant automatically receives a registration confirmation with their Congress entry ticket. Registration, depending on the type of ticket purchased, gives access during the Congress to different types of events:
- OPTION N°1 - “FBE General Congress” tickets
The “FBE General Congress” ticket allows the Participant to attend, on Friday September 27, 2024, the conference on “Professional secrecy in all its states”, as well as the gala dinner and dance evening organized at “Pré Catelan » ; This ticket also allows the Participant, if he wishes, to participate in the events during which the members of the FBE meet: on September 26, commission meetings followed by a welcome cocktail and on September 28, the forum of presidents, the general assembly of the FBE followed by lunch. Please note, only the conference on September 28 can be validated under Continuing Training (FCO).
- OPTION N°2 - “Gala Evening” Tickets
The “Gala Evening” ticket allows the Participant to attend the gala dinner and dance evening on September 27th organized at “Pré Catelan”.
- OPTION N°3 - “Colloquium” tickets
The “Conference” ticket allows the Participant to attend the Congress conference entitled “Professional secrecy in all its states” and the lunch organized on this occasion, on September 27, 2024.
OPTION N°4 - “Accompanying” tickets
The “Accompanying Persons” ticket allows the person accompanying a Participant to attend on the morning of September 27, the visit to a place steeped in history in Hauts-de-Seine and the lunch which is organized afterwards. This ticket is purchased by a Participant.
Article 3. Prices – regulations
Any registration for the Congress implies an obligation of payment by the Participant. The Participant acknowledges that registration for the Congress commits him or her to payment. The price must be paid in cash, in full, on the day the Participant registers. Payment for orders is made by credit card or bank transfer in accordance with the Ticketing Page of this site.
Prices are per Participant, all taxes included. They are subject to modification by the Hauts-de-Seine Bar and the FBE. The applicable rates are the rates in effect appearing on the Site at the time of registration.
Article 4. Right to retract
The Participant has a right of withdrawal which he can exercise within 14 calendar days, from confirmation of the order, without having to justify a reason in application of articles L221-18 et seq. of the code of consumption.
The Participant who wishes to use this right of withdrawal must notify it, within the legal deadlines indicated above, by sending an email, as well as a Bank Identity Statement to the following address: . The registration fee will then be refunded.
Article 5. Participant Obligations
Registration with the FBE and the Hauts-de-Seine Bar implies acceptance of the following conditions:
- Each registration is valid only for the Congress mentioned therein and cannot be accepted for another event.
- The Participant will be issued an electronic badge which will allow him to attend the Congress.
The access badge is nominative, non-transferable and must be accessible throughout the duration of the Congress. The organizers reserve the right to carry out an identity check during the Congress to ensure that it corresponds to the identity of the badge holder.
The Participant undertakes to respect the regulations posted inside the Congress venue. The Hauts-de-Seine Bar and the FBE reserve the right to refuse participation in the Congress to any person who does not respect this commitment.
Article 6. Modifications – cancellations
The Participant will not be able to request a refund of their ticket beyond the legal withdrawal period of 14 days.
If necessary, and particularly in the absence of a speaker, the Hauts-de-Seine Bar and the FBE reserve the right to modify the Congress program.
If the Hauts-de-Seine Bar and the FBE are forced to cancel the Congress, they undertake to notify the Participants as soon as possible.
The Hauts-de-Seine Bar and the FBE cannot be held responsible if the Event is delayed or canceled due to force majeure. As such, force majeure means any external, unpredictable and irresistible event within the meaning of article 1218 of the Civil Code.
Article 7. Intellectual property – image rights
The interventions of the speakers, the documents distributed or provided during the Congress are covered by copyright in application of articles L 111-1 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.
Access to the Congress does not entail any transfer of rights of any kind to the Participant. Its content cannot in any way be the subject, even partially, of any reproduction, representation, loan, exchange or transfer, of any total or partial extraction of data and/or transfers to another medium.
Any unauthorized representation or reproduction, by any means whatsoever, not respecting the legislation in force would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L 335-2 and L 335-3 of the Intellectual Property Code. The Participant would be held liable if unauthorized use was made of the interventions, documents distributed or delivered during the Congress.
The Participant is informed that the Hauts-de-Seine Bar and the FBE may be required to take photos and/or films as part of the Congress. Unless expressly declared otherwise on his part, the Participant authorizes the Hauts-de-Seine Bar and the FBE to photograph or film him within the framework of the Congress and to distribute and reproduce these images on all media, as part of the communication on the Congress or video products for sale.
The comments made by speakers during the Congress are their sole responsibility. It is the responsibility of the Participants to verify the relevance of the opinions/recommendations formulated by the speakers. The Hauts-de-Seine Bar and the FBE will not be responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused by or in connection with the information disseminated or the presentations made during the Congress.
Article 8. Personal data
By registering for the Congress, the Participant accepts the collection and use of his or her personal data in the manner described in our privacy policy. Your browsing on our website and our e-services may generate information through the use of cookie techniques, and may also be used. As such, we invite the Participant to read our confidentiality policy.
Article 9. Miscellaneous
These conditions are governed by French law.
These general conditions of sale cancel and replace all previous general conditions.
In the event that one of the provisions hereof would be considered void under a legal or regulatory provision, present or future, or a court decision with the authority of res judicata and emanating from a court or a competent body, this provision would be considered to be unwritten, all other provisions of the general conditions retaining binding force between the Parties.
The Hauts-de-Seine Bar and the FBE reserve the right, particularly due to changes in its services, to modify or update the general conditions of sale at any time and without notifying the Participant in advance.
If applicable, the last update date will be specified on the site.
The Participant must therefore regularly check the site to stay informed of any changes or updates to the site's general conditions of sale. The Hauts-de-Seine Bar and the FBE cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information published on its site, nor the conformity of said information with the use that the Participant wishes to make of it. The Participant acknowledges using this information under his or her exclusive responsibility.
Article 10. Mediation
In the event of a dispute relating to the interpretation and/or execution of the general conditions of sale, the Participant has the possibility of resorting to a conventional mediation procedure or any other alternative method of dispute resolution.
Article 11. Applicable law and competent jurisdiction
Any dispute relating to the interpretation and execution of these general conditions of sale is subject to French law.
Failing an amicable resolution, the dispute will be brought before the Nanterre Commercial Court.